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Whole House Ultraviolet (UV) Water Sterilizers and Accessories

How would you like to search for a UV system?

We are pleased to offer a wide range of whole house ultraviolet (UV) sterilizers for every conceivable residential and commercial UV application. We carry 2 of the most well-known and highly regarded UV brands: UVMax and Sterilight. Both are manufactured in Canada by Viqua, a Trojan Technologies Company. Trojan is the world leader in UV water treatment.

UV technology is an ideal choice for consumers seeking protection from microbiological contaminants including bacteria (E.coli, fecal coliforms, etc.), virus, and protozoa (cryptosporidium, giardia, etc.). Unlike chemical disinfectants like chlorine, UV does not change the taste, smell or chemical composition of the water, resulting in safe water that tastes great!

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Certified Viqua Internet Reseller
UV Replacement Parts & Accessories
UV Lamps

Sterilight <br>Replacement <br>UV Lamps
Starting at US$0.00
replacement UV lamps (bulbs) for all Sterilight UV Sterilizer models

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UV Sleeves

Sterilight <br>Replacement <br>UV Sleeves
Starting at US$29.00
replacement quartz glass UV sleeves for all Sterilight UV Sterilizer models

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Trojan / UVMax
UV Lamps

Trojan / UVMax  <br>Replacement <br>UV Lamps
Starting at US$0.00
replacement UV lamps (bulbs) for all Trojan / UVMax UV Sterilizer models

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Trojan /UVMax
UV Sleeves

Trojan /UVMax <br>Replacement <br>UV Sleeves
Starting at US$53.00
replacement quartz glass UV sleeves for all Trojan / UVMax UV Sterilizer models

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Trojan / UVMax
UV Lamp / Sleeves Combos

Trojan / UVMax <br>Replacement <br>UV Lamp / Sleeves Combos
Starting at US$151.00
save when you buy a replacement UV lamp and sleeve together - available for all Trojan / UVMax UV Sterilizer models

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Trojan / UVMax
Emergency Solenoid
Shut-Off Valve Kits

Trojan / UVMax <br>Emergency Solenoid <br>Shut-Off Valve Kits
Starting at US$643.00
adds additional layer of protection during a UV lamp failure, power outage, or low UV intensity alarm

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Emergency Solenoid
Shut-Off Valve Kits

Sterilight <br>Emergency Solenoid <br>Shut-Off Valve Kits
Starting at US$567.00
adds additional layer of protection during a UV lamp failure, power outage, or low UV intensity alarm

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Viqua <br>Flow <br>Restrictors
Starting at US$40.00
ensure your water flow rate never exceeds the disinfection capacity of your Viqua (Trojan) UVMax or Sterilight UV system

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Intensity Monitor

UV <br>Intensity Monitor<br>Sensors
Starting at US$408.00
replacement UV intensity monitor sensors for all Sterilight and UVMax models

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UV Ballasts /
Power Supplies

Replacement<br>UV Ballasts /<br> Power Supplies
Starting at US$59.00
replacement UV ballasts, power supplies & controllers for all Sterilight and UVMax models

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