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How can I remove e.coli bacteria from my water?

Viqua VH200-F10

Viqua VH200-F10

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This is one of the most common questions for those concerned about healthy drinking water. There are several options to treat e.coli in water - some methods are more efficient than others and some simply don't work. HomePlus recommends UV disinfection and here's why...

What water treatment technologies are best to treat e.coli?

UV disinfection is the preferred method - no chemicals, cost effective, easy to maintain, does not change taste or smell, and is extremely effective. The UV dose needed to kill 99.99% of e.coli is approximately 6 mJ/cm2. Most residential UV units provide a UV dose of 30-40 mJ/cm2 - more than enough to kill e.coli and any other harmful pathogens.

Chlorine and Chloramine - this method can be very effective, but is difficult for individual owners to operate properly without under or over-dosing. Chlorine also changes the taste and smell of the water and there is a risk of formation of disinfection byproducts such as trihalomethanes and HAA. Due to a number of associated health risks, it is vitally important to regulate what chemicals we handle and put into our bodies, and this makes using chlorine treatment a less appealing option.

Membrane technologies such as reverse osmosis, nano-filtration, and ultrafiltration can work but it can be very difficult to monitor ongoing performance and effectiveness and there is a well-documented risk of bacteria growing through the membranes. Hence, we do not recommend this approach.

Cartridge filters, carbon filters, pitcher style filters (Eg. Brita) do not remove e.coli. e.coli are too small and simply pass through these filters. Filters containing activated carbon are actually a great place for bacteria to grow and multiply.

What is e.coli?

There are a number of different types of e.coli and some are more harmful than others. e.coli typically live in the intestines of animals as well as people. In fact, most e.coli are harmless and it may surprise you to hear that these e-coli are an important part of a healthy intestinal tract. The e.coli you hear about in the news are pathogenic and can cause illness or even death in extreme cases. Pathogenic e.coli can be transmitted through fecal material from animals or humans as well as through contaminated water or food.

How big are e.coli?

Remove E. coli from water

e.coli are extremely small which makes it next to impossible to filter them out. A typical e.coli microbe is only approximately 2 micrometers long and about half a micrometer in diameter. For comparison, a human hair strand is about 50 micrometers thick.

How does e.coli get into our water?

Most pathogenic e.coli enter the water system through human or animal waste contamination. This can be caused as a result of the poor treatment of septic and sewage, leaching of animal manure, or storm water runoff. A poorly constructed well or poor well maintenance can also lead to the contamination of groundwater. Flooding increases the risk of contamination in wells, particularly in shallow wells or wells that have been submerged for lengthy periods of time.

What types of water sources are at greatest risk?

Given that e.coli is abundant in cattle, goats, sheep, and other livestock, farming activities greatly increase the probability of e.coli contamination. Following heavy precipitation, the e.coli from animal waste can be washed into creeks, irrigation ponds, lakes, and groundwater. Poorly designed and maintained septic fields can also cause human produced e.coli to leach into surrounding water supplies. When these water sources are used for drinking water and are not treated or are inadequately treated, e.coli contamination can become a significant threat.

How do you know if you have e.coli in your water?

Because coliform bacteria have no taste, smell, or color, the only way you will know for certain if you have e.coli in your water is get your water tested at least annually at a certified water testing lab. For water supplies that are contaminated with bacteria, the water should be tested at least every three months. A comprehensive water test will identify a full suite of bacterial and chemical parameters. It is a good idea to have your water source tested after heavy rainfall as this is when there is the greatest risk of contamination.

If e.coli is identified in your water test it means that fecal contamination is entering the water system and potentially dangerous pathogens may be present. The bacteria source must be identified and corrected. Some questions are you can ask are: Is there enough distance from the well and potential contamination sources? Is there a malfunctioning septic system in the area? Does the well require repair or rehabilitation?

If there is no e.coli present but coliforms are identified, it could be indicative of a bacteria layer called a biofilm within your well or plumbing system. It may also indicate that surface water is getting into your well or that your well water comes from an aquifer that contains bacteria, as can be evident in wells coming from a shallow source.

What harm can e.coli cause?

e.coli can cause a number of illnesses and diseases which can vary in symptoms and severity. The most common symptoms of waterborne illness include headache, mild fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms usually appear within 1-10 days and usually end within 5-10 days. As with any significant health risk, infants, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems are more susceptible and may experience more severe effects. In more acute cases, e.coli can infect the lungs, nervous system, kidneys, liver and can even be fatal. While most people will completely recover on their own, more severe cases require hospital care and may lead to long-lasting health effects or death.

How many people are affected annually?

While the majority of e.coli cases are never reported, it is estimated that there are approximately 2,000 cases of e.coli annually in Canada and 73,000 cases in the U.S., leading to about 61 annual deaths.

Examples of e.coli outbreaks:

The Walkerton, Ontario, Canada e.coli outbreak in 2000 is probably one of the most prominently known. The water supply contamination lead to 6 deaths in the small community and sickened more than 2,000 people. The outbreak lead to charges against two operators who were deemed to be relatively uninformed about water safety and it was determined that the outbreak was caused by heavy rainfall and cattle manure which was used to fertilize crops less than 100 metres from one of the community intake wells.

There have also been a number of outbreaks in the U.S. such as the Alpine, Wyoming episode in 1998 which sickened 157 people. This outbreak was also caused by drinking municipal water which was found to have microbiologic evidence of fecal organisms. It was found that this outbreak affected visitors at a significantly higher rate than residents likely due to the longer-term nature of the problem.

For 2011-2012, the most recent years for which finalized data were available, public health officials from 32 states and Puerto Rico reported 90 recreational water-associated outbreaks to CDC's Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System (WBDOSS) via the National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS). The 90 outbreaks resulted in at least 1,788 cases, 95 hospitalizations, and one death.

What else can be done to reduce the risk of e.coli contamination?

There are a number of precautions that can be taken which will dramatically reduce the risk of e.coli contamination in water suppies. Some of the most common precautions include periodically shock treating the well and your plumbing system with bleach/chlorine, ensuring that the well is properly capped and sealed, and keeping potential bacteria sources like septic fields and animals as far away from your water source as possible. Those involved in farming activity can take further precautions such as not wearing farm work clothes or footwear in the home, and using proper hygiene particularly after contact with animals.

Other precautions include keeping water toughs and drinking bowls clean, keeping pumps, pipes and well equipment off the ground when being repaired and disinfecting any water placed in a well. Never use water from a lake or pond in your well.


With a proper water treatment technology, regular testing and maintenance of your water source, and precaution around farming activities and septic systems, you can enjoy healthy drinking water without the worry of e.coli contamination.

Customer Questions & Answers

Question:What is KDF?

Kinetic Degradation Fluxion (KDF) is a high-purity copper-zinc formulation that uses a basic chemical process known as redox (oxidation/reduction) to remove chlorine, lead, mercury, iron, and hydrogen sulfide from water supplies.
By HomePlus Water on Aug 01, 2023

Question:How does KDF Work?

In short, the KDF redox process works by exchanging electrons with contaminants. This "give and take" of electrons converts many contaminants into harmless components. During this reaction, electrons are transferred between molecules, and new elements are created. Some harmful contaminants are changed into harmless components. Others are electrochemically bound to the KDF media.
By HomePlus Water on Aug 01, 2023

Question:What contaminants does KDF remove?

KDF process media works to reduce or remove chlorine, iron, hydrogen sulfide, lead, mercury, magnesium, and chromium. It may also inhibit the growth of bacteria, algae, and fungi. Redox media removes up to 98% of water-soluble cations (positively-charged ions) of lead, mercury, copper, nickel, chromium, and other dissolved metals. More than 98% of chlorine is generally removed.
By HomePlus Water on Aug 01, 2023

Question:Why is KDF used in shower water filters?

KDF is frequently found in home showerhead filters because of its effectiveness at higher operating temperatures and flow rates.
By HomePlus Water on Aug 01, 2023

Question:How much arsenic is safe in water

The USEPA and the World Health Organization (WHO) have set a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for arsenic in drinking water at 0.010 mg/L or 10 parts per billion. Although this is the level that the USEPA enforces, they state that the level of arsenic in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health is zero.
By HomePlus Water on Aug 02, 2023

Question:How can arsenic get into a drinking water supply?

Arsenic is naturally found in mineral deposits in rocks and soils, and can contaminate water that it comes in contact with. Arsenic can also enter the drinking water supply through manmade sources including the discharge of industrial wastes, the burning of fossil fuels, metal production & mining, the incorrect application of pesticides and feed additives, and waste burning.
By HomePlus Water on Aug 02, 2023

Question:Does reverse osmosis remove arsenic from water?

Yes, reverse osmosis can be used to remove pentavalent arsenic (also known as Arsenic 5, Arsenic V, or Arsenate). Reverse osmosis will not remove trivalent arsenic. If you have trivalent arsenic (also known as Arsenic 3, Arsenic III, or Arsenite), you should pre-chlorinate your water to transform the trivalent arsenic into pentavalent arsenic before using reverse osmosis for treatment.
By HomePlus Water on Aug 02, 2023

Question:Does boiling water remove arsenic?

No, boiling water is not an effective treatment for arsenic in water. As the water is heated some may evaporate, actually increasing the arsenic concentration in the water.
By HomePlus Water on Aug 02, 2023

Question:Is it safe to use for outdoor use such as water the lawn or garden?

Using water that is contaminated with coliform bacteria on lawns, or ornamental gardens is safe. If you are referring to a garden where food is being grown for human consumption I would recommend treating the water before using it. While coliform bacteria on your produce isn't typically a big deal, it is considered an indicator for other potential contaminants such as e-coli which would be a more serious issue. Many e-coli outbreaks are due to contaminated produce.
By HomePlus Water on Dec 11, 2023

Question:If you are on a boil water order because of coliform in water can you wash your hands in the water?

In a boil water order it is important to always follow the guidelines provided by your local health authority. Typically hand washing is fine, but if a waterborne outbreak is suspected it may be recommended to either wash with bottled water, or to use an alcohol-based hand gel disinfectant containing more than 60% alcohol, or rub hands with a 65-95% alcohol solution after washing.
By HomePlus Water on May 30, 2024

Question:Does the system come with everything I need to install?

Yes, your Pentair Tankless RO-T600RO is equipped with everything you need to successfully install your system (excluding tools). In your manual you will find a list of all components that are included and a list of additional tools/items needed to help with the installation.
By HomePlus Water on Jun 03, 2024

Question:How much space is required for this system to fit underneath my sink?

You will need approximately 18 inches depth x 6 inches width x 17.5 inches height of space underneath your sink for the system to fit.
By HomePlus Water on Jun 03, 2024

Question:What if my countertop doesn't currently have a hole for the faucet?

Don't have an existing side faucet? No problem! Both the manual and how-to video help demonstrate how to create the faucet hole in your counter top.
By HomePlus Water on Jun 03, 2024

Question:What do I need to install the faucet?

As for tools and supplies, you will need masking tape, center punch, and 1/4" drill bit, 1-1/4" hole saw, and a file.
By HomePlus Water on Jun 03, 2024

Question:Why does my system require power?

Your Pentair Tankless RO - T600RO is operated by an internal pump and without a power source your system will not deliver cleaner, crisper water on-demand.
By HomePlus Water on Jun 03, 2024

Question:How long is the warranty on my Pentair Tankless RO System?

The Pentair Tankless RO has a 1 year / 12 month warranty.
By HomePlus Water on Jun 03, 2024

Question:Can water in well be disinfected using javel? How do you find the source of the water infection?

Yes, you can disinfect a well with an appropriate household chlorine bleach. Be sure to look for the NSF 51 validation logo on the bottle of chlorine. This certifies that the bleach you intend to use is validated to material safety standards and does not contain harmful impurities that could be found in an industrial grade bleach. Most local health authorities publish guidelines for well disinfection, or your can search for instructions online, to help guide you to know how much bleach to add based on the characteristics of your well (bore dimater, depth etc.), and how to flush your well once the process is complete. An activated carbon filter can be used at the point-of-entry to your home to remove any residual chlorine that may be present after flushing.
By HomePlus Water on Aug 06, 2024

Question:Do you have graphene water filters for borehole water. My borehole water TDS is 19000. What would be the cost of such graphene filters. Thank you.

Graphene water filter technology is still in its infancy and has not really been commercialized in a material way in our industry. They present some interesting potential for sure, but as of today, we do not have any commercial products in our suite that use this technology. Based on the TDS of your well water, the only viable solution at the moment is probably a desalination system using reverse osmosis (RO) membrane technology. While we do offer commercial RO systems, our systems are not designed for TDS levels of 19,000. Our systems are designed for a maximum of about 7,000 ppm TDS. A seawater RO system would likely be your best option.
By HomePlus Water on Oct 01, 2024

Question:Whether e coli can be removed by boiling water

Yes, bringing water to a full rolling boil for several minutes will kill e.coli. While many health officials say that as little as 1 minute at the full boil is enough, we recommend 5 minutes to have a greater degree of certainty especially if the water is cloudy from sediment. This is an effective emergency disinfection option to address contamination by e.coli and most other microorganisms.
By HomePlus Water on Oct 31, 2024

Question:Does this remove sodium? I want to use water for flower beds.

No, KDF filters are not able to remove sodium. The only practical technology that is able to remove sodium is reverse osmosis (RO). Distillation (high energy input/cost), and deionization (not practical for home use) are really the only other options.

RO has some draw backs and might not be feasible depending on the amount of water you need daily. You can read about RO at:

Drinking water RO units are really only designed to produce a gallon or 2 per hour so they might not be ideal for your application though.
By HomePlus Water on Nov 12, 2024

Question:How far must cattle be away from a well to prevent contamination

It really depends on the nature of the well, especially its depth and what barriers to water there are between the surface and the aquifer that the well is getting its water from. Layers of clay in particular can block surface water containing pathogens from getting down into the well. Gravel and sand make a poor barrier. When we assess a well for risk, we are looking at many factors including the proximity of contaminant sources (like cattle), the slope of the land (sloping towards or away from the well), the well drillers report showing the layers of rock and soil encountered during drilling, etc. Any contamination source that is within 100 feet (about 30 meters) from a well should be of particular interest when looking at well risk, but the depth of the well and presence or absence of confining layers is arguably much more important.
By HomePlus Water on Nov 12, 2024

Question:How far must cattle be away from a well to prevent contamination

It really depends on the nature of the well, especially its depth and what barriers to water there are between the surface and the aquifer that the well is getting its water from. Layers of clay in particular can block surface water containing pathogens from getting down into the well. Gravel and sand make a poor barrier. When we assess a well for risk, we are looking at many factors including the proximity of contaminant sources (like cattle), the slope of the land (sloping towards or away from the well), the well drillers report showing the layers of rock and soil encountered during drilling, etc. Any contamination source that is within 100 feet (about 30 meters) from a well should be of particular interest when looking at well risk, but the depth of the well and presence or absence of confining layers is arguably much more important.
By HomePlus Water on Nov 13, 2024

Question:How often should the well water be tested after a coliform treatment?

You should test your water immediately after treatment has been put in place to ensure the treatment is working and to ensure you have not missed disinfecting any part of the plumbing system after treatment (after a UV Sterilizer for example). After that it is good to test once a year for bacteria.
By HomePlus Water on Jan 22, 2025